Ace your exams
Make quizzes from your
notes, and books!

Trusted by students
in top schools and colleges at
- Snap pictures with camera to make quizzes
- Follow classmates to take their quizzes
- Get ahead in school by knowing what's coming up in the next year
- Recreate new quizzes with different questions

- Relevant questions to your content
- Get answer explanations
- See how you score your quizzes
What some students say
Game-changer app! Made it super easy to pass BIOC exams. Easy A!
Stanford University
Got the highest score in my MOL 101 exam thanks to this app!
Princeton University
Went from barely passing to aceing! From getting 62 to 97 on my General Chem. I think I surprised the whole class!
Had I not made quizzes on this app, I'd have flunked my Medical Anthropology.
Brown University
AEE 344 became really easy to pass with the quzzies me and my class friends made on this app.
One thing I really love about this app is the networking. I can take quizzes my classmates make, or even people in more senior years make. Really helps to know what's coming up ahead.
University of Pennsylvania
The fact that I can take quizzes my friends made, and they can take my quizzes - it's just perfect!
Whitney High School
I think I'm going to be the next Valedictorian because of this app!
Pine View High School
Grades in two subjects went from B's to A's. In other three subject, from C's to A's. This app's 100% worth it!
Grant High School

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